How do I handle the notify option using Asp.Net?

To handle correctly “notify” option you can do the following: 1)     add an {YourFileName}.aspx into your Asp.Net Web Application. Where {YourFileName} – is the name of your .aspx file. 2)     Put this code into {YourFileName}.aspx   Please, note the ValidateRequest=”false” is required, because of the Asp.Net security  system  doesn’t let to post  xml by default. Read more

What actions can I perform from the encoding queue?

Within the encoding queue, you can perform many functions essential to workflow management. Under the Select Action pulldown menu, there are a few choices: PROCESS: Select this is essential to begin the processing of any jobs that are in the 'Ready to Process' status. STOP: Wish to pause/stop any inprogress jobs. Last minute revision Read more

Can I copy metadata in my watch folders?

Using our watch folder feature? Need to copy metadata (title, description, copyright, author, description, album) from your source clips to output profiles? No problem! Follow these simple steps below. For complete information on our metadata capabilities, check out our API documentation for all the up to date details: – After you have set up a Read more

How can I change the time zone setting on my queue?

You can easily adjust the queue time settings to reflect your local time zone. All you have to do is log into the customer area at – Select 'My Account' – Select from the dropdown menu 'Time Zone.' – At the top of the screen, you'll receive a confirmation message that your prefered Read more

DEPRECATED – How can I use the Desktop Uploader Tool?

July 1st 2016 – The desktop uploader has been deprecated and is no longer available. Step 1: Authenticate! – Login to the High Speed Desktop Uploader with your API Key and User ID. These credentials can be found on the My Account Tab within your client interface. Step 2: Drag and Drop! – Click Read more

What should I do if I find a bug on

At, we're passionate making sure things are running correctly 100% of the time. Computers aren't perfect all the time; bugs happen! If you think you've spotted an issue with the platform, please connect with us through the Help Desk, live chat, or give us a phone call. Here's how to reach us! + To Read more

How does the notification system for errors work?

Interested in keeping tabs on your existing workflow? Need better error reporting? We've added a feature to help track errors to our existing API. Add the following to your XML: You'll receive information if there are errors with your encodes, post-download to the platform.  Keep in mind that you can only have 1 email Read more

How can I troubleshoot errors on the platform?

When you encounter problems on the platform, its always a safe bet to restart the encode and see if that corrects the issue. Restarting allows the platform to reselect an instance and re-download the source, thus correcting any issues that may have arisen during the creation of the job. Try these following steps to restart Read more