How can I encrypt my iPhone streams?

Securing your iPhone streams is easy with's stream encrytion option. We encrypt your TS segements using AES-128 with no need for an additional processing step. The encryption passes on delivery, as opposed to requiring additional processing time. You'll need a few things to get started, so let's lay out all the details: 1)  Create Read more

How can I retrieve statistics via API for Vidly?

Interested in retrieving view stats for your Vid.lys? We have just the thing for you! You can use the GetStatistics call to the API to return the following data:'s GetStatistics will return following data for a individual or system wide: System wide: Or if you need to narrow it by certain URL then Read more

How can I use the preset in the API?

If you're a current customer, utilizing our API to create content, try adding this to the mix: You're create a URL that can be accessed via any browser with the correct, optimized version served up whether its a mobile, ipad or browser.  Have more questions about Perhaps…what's it all mean? Look no further:

How do I stop an encode via API?

If you wish to stop the processing of any medaID via API, send the action 'StopMedia.' The action will stop media from downloading, processing or uploading. If at least one encode has completed and saved, this media will be marked as finished,. The rest of the jobs / tasks will be stop. Example:  <?xml version=”1.0″?> Read more

Where can I find wrappers for API development?

We've recently published an Objective C wrapper for the API  that will jump start your iOS application video development.  Now you can utilize within your iOS apps to not only transcode any user generated video upload but also prepare URLs or embed code to ensure any video will playback brilliantly on over Read more

How can I use your PHP uploader tool?

Please note these instructions are for the uploader scripts, v. 1.1. The audience for this document is intended to be web script authors, software developers and system administrators. Introduction: The User Uploader Script enables the direct upload of User Generated Video (UGV) content to storage so you can avoid a workflow where Read more

Can you explain the Message Codes?

Let's take a look at typical XML repsonse to fully understand Message Codes.  In this example, line 4 contains the MessageCode 2.1. Let's skip to the chart below the XML to read more about the types of MessageCodes exist. The XML response statuses codes are broken down into 4 categories, Common Errors (I), AddMedia Read more

How do I send a batch request to

Want to send a batch request and convert a ton of source files to vid.lys all at one time? Use the following formatting to achieve this. Your response will be as follows:

How do I delete Vid.lys via the PRO API?

If you wish to remove Vid.lys, you may do so via the PRO API. There are two ways you can achieve this, via BatchID or via Shortlink.  To remove via shortlinks: Now, let's try the same call, but we'll use the BatchID tag: Where oh where do we find at BatchID you say? In Read more