Can integrate with Amazon Web Services? offers proven S3 video integration solutions. Amazon Web Services (AWS) comprises a series of remote computing/web services that make your life easier. Infinitely scalable and use AWS with to create a workflow with storage locations and services accessed via HTTP. Use for all of your cloudfront streaming needs. Amazon’s S3 Interface can Read more

What does error message ECOM00228 mean?

The error message ECOM00228 translates to “S3 upload error: Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed.”

How to use the Rackspace Cloud with

There are a variety of innovative ways that uses the Rackspace Cloud to power its service and make it easy for other Rackspace customers to integrate with Advanced CloudFiles Integration Using the web interface, watch folder or API, you can specify your Cloud Files account as either source or destination locations. Please see Read more

How can I use a Amazon S3 file as a source?

Using Amazon S3 is a snap. Follow these directions to get you started 1) Manually set the Amazon S3 object to have READ permission for the AWS user fastencoding: 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b962948f69972a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869. This is a requirement for to read the file(s).  To do this, log into your AWS console, right click on the bucket and select Read more

Why do I receive ‘Permission denied’ or ‘No such file or directory’ errors when using SFTP?

The most common error is specifying incorrect SFTP URLs for files located in your home directory. You must specify full directory path in your URL: s Another common issue is missing files! Check the file is there, and the path for is correct. If you continue to experience issues, don't hesitate to email

How do I use Rackspace Cloud Files as the source or destination location?

The Rackspace Cloud Files platform does not offer the FTP method to send files to their service. added support for our customers to send encoded videos directly to their platform.To specify the source file or output file(s) to be put in a Rackspace Cloud Files folder, you can specify your source or destination URL Read more