Using Content-Disposition with Amazon S3

Support for specifying Content-Disposition and Content-Type with S3 destinations is now offered. When these are specified customers can control whether content served from an S3 bucket is opened in the browser, an external player, or downloaded to the user’s desktop. The syntax for specifying content_disposition parameter in the GET query is as follows: http://[bucket][filename][?acl=public-read | Read more

Using Amazon S3 Region-Specific Endpoints

For customers using Amazon S3 storage for source or destination, we now support Region-Specific Endpoints. By enabling support for Region-Specific Endpoints, instead of Standard Endpoints, we remove the latency involved in redirecting from the Standard Endpoint to Region-Specific Endpoint. This applies to both media source and format destination. We now offer support for the following Read more

Saving time on your Amazon S3 encodes

Save some time with your Amazon S3 encodes by using the nocopy qualifier in your URL: If you specify nocopy at the end of your URL, the source file will download directly from your bucket, thus saving time. Use this only if the location of your buckets is in the US. If you don’t specify nocopy, Read more

Sending output to Amazon S3

To deliver your output video files to a bucket on your Amazon S3 account, follow these steps below. Although there are many steps, it’s quite easy!   NOTE: Before downloading, it’s important that you’ve done some basic setup on your Amazon S3 account.   On the right side of the same page (on which you Read more

Setup for Amazon S3

To process Amazon S3 files, you need to perform some basic setup by creating at least one Amazon file bucket. You’ll also need to create security keys. Read the sections below to learn how to perform both of these important tasks.   Creating a Bucket / Region To upload/download videos to and from Amazon S3, Read more

Uploading from Amazon S3

In this section, we explain how you can upload and import video source files from the Amazon S3 service into your account.   NOTE: Before uploading, it’s important that you’ve done some basic setup on your Amazon S3 account.   You can specify the source location of your video in one of two ways. Read more

How can I use a Amazon S3 file as a source?

Using Amazon S3 is a snap. Follow these directions to get you started 1) Manually set the Amazon S3 object to have READ permission for the AWS user fastencoding: 1a85ad8fea02b4d948b962948f69972a72da6bed800a7e9ca7d0b43dc61d5869. This is a requirement for to read the file(s).  To do this, log into your AWS console, right click on the bucket and select Read more

Assigning proper MIME types for Amazon S3 output

The “Content-Type” of a video is an important and in most cases required MIME type for streaming video. Amazon S3 simply echos back whatever MIME type you send when you upload the file. You can set the content-type parameter of a video before sending it to Amazon by appending &content_type= to your S3 destination, for Read more