What is vid.ly?

Vid.ly is a universal video service delivered within a single short url and embed code.The vid.ly service seamlessly integrates a HTML5 video player, Flash video player, transcoding, storage, delivery, and device detection.  When you chose the vid.ly preset within the Encoding.com UI, Watch Folder, or API we automatically transcode your source video into 24 different video formats and create 5 thumbnails.  When processing is complete, we deliver a short url and embed code via email or a XML http post.  When the embed code is rendered within a HTML page we use browser or device detection to deliver the appropriate video format (H.264, Ogg, WEBM, or a Flash fallback)   If a mobile device visits the  short url directly we will use a powerful device detection to deliver the best quality viewing for experience for thousands of feature phones, popular tablets, and all major smart phones.

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