What is the list of actions that I can perform with the API?

AddMedia: Add new media to user's queue.  Creates new items in a queue according to formats specified in the XML API request.

AddMediaBenchmark: Add new media to user's queue and sets a flag to NOT process automatically after downloading.  Format fields can be specified as well. If NotifyURL is set, a notification will be sent after the media is ready for processing. NOTE: The media will get 'Ready to process' status only when at least one is specified.

UpdateMedia: Replace information about existing media's formats.  All old format items will be deleted and the new ones will be added.

ProcessMedia: Start encoding the previously downloaded media (ones that have been added with an AddMediaBenchmark action).

CancelMedia: Delete specified media and all its items in the queue.

GetMediaList: Returns a list of the user's media in the queue.

GetStatus: Returns information about a selected user's media and all its items in the queue.

GetMediaInfo: Returns video parameters of the specified media when available.

RestartMedia: Complete restart the entire job

RestartMediaErrors: Only retry tasks ended with error

RestartMediaTask: Only restart the specified task (format). Additional parameter <taskid> must be specified.

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