What is the difference between CBR and VBR encoding?

CBR Encoding

CBR stands for constant bitrate. During CBR encoding, the bitrate or the number of bits per second is kept the same throughout the encoding process.Constant bit rate (CBR) encoding persists the set data rate to your setting over the whole video clip.CBR encoding does not optimize media files for quality but will save you storage space. Use CBR only if your clip contains a similar motion level across the entire duration.  CBR is most commonly used for streaming video content using the Flash Media Server (rtmp).Our video encoding API will support CBR encoding for the special occasions in which you need to use CBR.


VBR Encoding

VBR stands for variable bitrate. Variable bit rate (VBR) encoding adjusts the data rate down and to the upper limit you set, based on the data required by the compressor. This means that during a VBR encoding process the bitrate of the media file will dynamically increase or decrease depending on the media files bitrate needs. VBR takes longer to encode but produces the most favorable results as the quality of the  media file is superior. VBR is most commonly used for http delivery if video content (http progressive)

When to Use VBR vs. CBR?

 When it comes to selecting VBR vs. CBR, It is almost always recommended that you use VBR encoding for your media files as it provides higher quality files. We would suggest that you do not use CBR unless you have a specific need for playback on a device that only supports CBR. Our default VRB mode will produce higher quality  at competitive bitrates.

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of encoding each month and test the difference between CBR and VBR on your own.  When you are using Encoding.com you can chose CBR or VBR in each of your encoding jobs within the API, web interface, or watch folder. In the web interface or watch folder after you specify your source video location, click the “Customize” button and expand the “Video Settings” menu and select CBR to “no” or “yes” 
When using the Encoding.com API set the <cbr>no<cbr/> or <cbr>yes<cbr/> in the <format> section of your API calls.
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