On2 VP6

Use Encoding.com’s powerful encoding engine to easily convert your video files to On2 VP6 based Flash. Upload videos to our platform from S3, FTP, Rackspace or your local storage and effortlessly have them converted and delivered back to S3, FTP or Rackspace.

Find On2 VP6 Video Codecs

Need to encode many files daily? Deliver to multiple locations? Need On2 VP6 video codecs? Designate a watch folder on any of our supported locations, use our “VP6” encoding output option.

Perform On2 VP6 Video Encoding

On2 VP6 video encoding has never been easier. Encoding.com has online encoding and conversion software that is entirely scalable and easy to use.

If you're interested in using Encoding.com's platform to create On2 VP6 FLV files from your source content, there's a number of ways to achieve that using the options listed below.

+ Use our web UI, located @ http://www.encoding.com/login, to designate an Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles or FTP site to use as your watchfolder. Turn an entire folder of content into On2 VP6 FLV files. It's easy to do by applying one of our On2 VP6 presets. All you have to do is select 'Add Task' and apply a On2 VP6 preset from the dropdown menu in the watchfolder UI. 

+ Upload a single piece of media with our 'Add Media' feature in the web UI. Select 'Add Task' to request an On2 VP6 FLV file to be created from your source content. As with watchfolders, 'Add Media' can source from Amazon S3, Rackspace CloudFiles, FTP sites or your local drive / network.

+ Implement our powerful API to submit source content and create On2 VP6 FLVs in a snap. Complete API documentation here

Don't forget to take a peek at our sample XML template for On2 VP6 FLV creation.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
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