Interested in retrieving view stats for your Vid.lys? We have just the thing for you! You can use the GetStatistics call to the API to return the following data:
<col>Class</col> <col>Vendor</col> <col>Model</col> <col>Platform</col> <col>OS</col> <col>Browser</col> <col>Browser Ver</col> <col>Views</col>'s GetStatistics will return following data for a individual or system wide:
System wide:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <Query> <Action>GetStatistics</Action> <UserID>1</UserID> <UserKey>***</UserKey> <Filter> <StartDate>2011-11-01</StartDate> <StartDate>2011-11-30</StartDate> <UserID>user_id</UserID> </Filter> </Query>
Or if you need to narrow it by certain URL then you add <MediaURL> :
<?xml version="1.0"?> <Query> <Action>GetStatistics</Action> <UserID>1</UserID> <UserKey>***</UserKey> <Filter> <StartDate>2011-11-01</StartDate> <StartDate>2011-11-30</StartDate> <mediaurl>mediaurl</mediaurl> </Filter> </Query>