Encoding for Blackberry Phones

Here is a sample mp4 which should play fine on Blackberry phones. http://www.pixelgoat.net/encoding/blackberry/big_vinny_9432618.mp4 XML for “big vinny” sample as follows:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

You may want to check which model Blackberry you are using. This is a very useful PDF guide. http://www.pixelgoat.net/encoding/blackberry/Blackberry_Video_Profiles.pdf If you are still having a problem, please send us a ticket and include the Media ID# of the file which isn't playing for you. https://manage.encoding.com/user/#/user/support.php Verified settings include:

Format = 3gp/amr, mpeg4/aac
Framesize = 320x240
Framerates = 24
Bitrates = 256k, 512k, 768k

NOTE: mp3 audio does NOT play with video. Please use aac audio with mpeg4 to guarantee proper playout on Blackberry phones. We have successfully tested our base presets on Blackberry phones for mp4 and 3gp. Confirmed playout to Blackberry Curve 8530 in November 2010.

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