Can I create H.264 videos with

A Simple Online H.264 Encoding Solution to create h.264 videos

Yes you can! Through our web uploader, our online H264 converter is easy to use. You can push individual files directly to our encoding platform from your local disk, FTP, S3 or Rackspace location. Alternately, you can select a watch folder on your FTP, S3 or Rackspace location to be polled at the time interval of your choice to encode files. Select “Encoding Options” and select “Add Task.” Use the pulldown menu to select the appropriate container and H264 codec of choice. That’s it! You’re ready to use’s platform to compress your videos.

H.264, short for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, is a standard for video compression and is poised to become the next standard for format of convergence in the digital video industry now supported by Google / YouTube, Adobe, and Apple iTunes. It contains a number of features that enable it to compress video much more effectively than previous standards, and provides more flexibility for applications across a wide variety of network environments from low bit-rate Internet streaming to HDTV broadcast and Digital Cinema applications with nearly lossless coding. H264 encoding is simple with Try one of our free plans today!

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