Let's take a look at typical XML repsonse to fully understand Vid.ly Message Codes. In this example, line 4 contains the MessageCode 2.1. Let's skip to the chart below the XML to read more about the types of MessageCodes exist.
<?xml version="1.0"?> <Response> <Message>All medias have been added.</Message> <MessageCode>2.1</MessageCode> <BatchID>[unique_id]</BatchID> <Success> <MediaShortLink> <SourceFile>[SourceFile1]</SourceFile> <ShortLink>[Vid.ly_shortlink1]</ShortLink> </MediaShortLink> <MediaShortLink> <SourceFile>[SourceFile2]</SourceFile> <ShortLink>[Vid.ly_shortlink2]</ShortLink> </MediaShortLink> </Success> <Response>
The XML response statuses codes are broken down into 4 categories, Common Errors (I), AddMedia codes (II), DeleteMedia codes (III) and GetStatus codes (IV). In the case of the above XML, the MessageCode 2.1 is definately a good one to receive back from the system. Keep an eye on these codes as they can give particular insight into why your Vid.lys fail or your XMLs are not accepted.
– – –
Ⅰ. Common error occured
1.1 – “Action failed: wrong query info.”
1.2 – “Action failed because of some internal reason.”
Ⅱ. AddMedia action
2.1 – “All medias have been added.”
2.2 – “Action completed with errors: some files failed to upload.”
2.3 – “Action failed: none of files were uploaded.”
Ⅲ. DeleteMedia action
3.1 – “All medias have been deleted.”
3.2 – “Action completed with errors: some media short links are wrong.”
3.3 – “Action failed: all media short links are wrong.”
3.4 – “Action failed: batch ID is wrong.”
3.5 – “Action failed: batch is empty.”
3.6 – “Action completed with errors: some media short links were not deleted properly.”
Ⅳ. GetStatus action
4.1 – “Action successful.”
4.2 – “Action completed with errors: some media short links are wrong.”
4.3 – “Action failed: all media short links are wrong.”
4.4 – “Action failed: batch ID is wrong.”
4.5 – “Action failed: batch is empty.”