How to combine multiple video files to a single one

This feature allows you to combine several video files to one file.

 You can use it via User Interface, or via API.

 User Interface

 To use this feature via user interface, you have to add several video sources in “Add Media” section. And they would automatically combined to one file (in sequential order) during the encoding process.


 To combine several video sources to one file, you should use several <source> elements in your XML request.

 For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- Main fields -->
    <source>[SourceFile1]</source> <!-- if multiple SourceFile added, they will be concatenated -->
    <!-- ... -->
SourceFile1..SourceFileN — you can specify several source files as well. All of them will be combined to one file (in sequential order) during the encoding process. You can use different source URLs (HTTP, FTP, S3, CloudFiles) with different media properties (format, frame size, bitrate, codec, etc.) Read more
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